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Property Owner to Contractor Connections

After a disaster or in the event of an insurance claim you might find yourself in need of a contractor, and typically most insurance claims involve multiple trades. This where most property owners find themselves asking friends, neighbors, checking the internet and just constantly looking for someone to handle there needs. Following a disaster this could be an almost impossible task and you might find yourself in a position of just using about anyone. That is very risky position and typically isn't the right one. 


 With Catastrophe Guru we are not like other companies that will be sending you a contractor to change out a broken step or do handy man tasks. We specialize in the insurance industry and only connect with reliable contractors that work in this industry. They are familiar with the way insurance works and the requirements that are needed within an insurance claim. We are your one stop source for multiple contractors or just one contractor to fill your demands. Contact us to see what Catastrophe Guru can do to help you.

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