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Catastrophe Guru
 Leading the industry for insurance referrals

With a vast network of contractors and leads we are able to connect people with jobs. Our sales engine specializes in jobs that are sourced from insurance claims. Turning leads into income for all parties involved. With over 83% of people saying that they would refer a job but less than 25% actually referring it leaves alot of jobs that could be sourced out. With our program leads get paid jumping the percentage of people willing to provide lead. Contact us to see how you can start making money today. 

 Contractor to Property Owner Connections

We connect contractors to property owners that have insurance work and need the a contractor to perform a specific task

Property Owner to Contractor 

We connect property owners to contractors that specifically handle insurance jobs and work the carriers. 

Contractor to Contractor Connections

We connect contractors to other contractors that are in need of that specific tradesman to complete a job.

Our Services


“As a roofer and before the Guru when we completed our job we left. Most of the time the homeowner needed someone to handle the remaining damage to there home and asked me for referrals. I would always pass on referring anyone. Now with the Guru I just get them connected and make money for that lead. It costs the homeowner nothing and they get good contractors. Its a win all the way around  ”

Elliott Melvin
Owner of BJ Mevin & Son's Construction

Ready to find out more?

Interested in finding out how we can help you fill out the form below or click the button below. We would love to see how the Guru can help you today.

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